Resume for Part-time Job
Gail writes:
My question is how and where on my resume could I let employers know I’m looking for 24-32 hours a week. How should I word this? Should I put this in my objective?
Create a resume in minutes that will impress hiring managers
Build ResumeThe Career Doctor responds:
Ready for a frustratiing answer? It depends. OK. Let me explain. If you are responding to job postings or online job ads that request part-time workers then there is no need to even have it listed on your resume because employers will assume if you are applying for a part-time position that you are actually seeking part-time employment. However if you are sending out cover letter and resume packages to a variety of employers — what we refer to as the cold calling method — then you must say somewhere that you are looking for part-time rather than full-time employment. I have a personal preference for putting it only in your cover letter but you could also add it your job objective section of your resume: “To contribute extensive experience training and skills in a part-time project-management position.” I recommend that job-seekers use a qualifications summary; if done correctly this section serves as a short-cut for enticing hiring managers to make the decision to continue reading your resume. A warning though: If done incorrectly this section could also stop your resume from being read.
Review all the Resume Resources (including articles tools and tutorials) published on Quintessential Careers.