Global Vehicle Purchasing Programs - Project Management, 2007-2009
- Conducted studies, developed strategies, and managed sourcing initiatives that aided in the creation of a $1.5B global vehicle platform.
- Supervised a project team of 5 people with the objective to globally benchmark the supply base and implement a cost savings plan for a $225MM capital investment initiative; leading to more than $40MM in cost efficiencies
- Led a team of 30 buyers to ensure a robust sourcing plan was developed and that production deadlines were met.
- Created a corporate manual to global trading barriers in conjunction with Ford's Governmental Affairs Office. The manual was utilized to determine localization requirements by buyers and project managers when sourcing global programs.
Non-Production (MRO) Purchasing - Central Capital Equipment Buyer, 2006-2007
- Controlled $110 million in annual tooling purchases for Ford's North American assembly plants. Negotiated over $4.5 million in cost savings by consolidating the supply base and developing a long term commodity business strategy.
- Created a team of 4 people to identify and reallocate capital equipment from facilities scheduled for closure, avoiding over $10 million in expenditures.
Global Purchasing - Raw Materials Buyer, 2005-2006
- Achieved over $3 million in cost savings through process improvements and manufacturing efficiencies by organizing a lean assessment for a key supplier.
- Developed a commodity cost model as part of a roadmap to total value management resulting in projected annual cost reductions of $4.7 million.
Electrical Purchasing Analyst, 2004
- Evaluated historical purchasing strategies and created a cost saving database as a resource for $1.5 billion electrical buy.
- Tool aided in a cost reduction of $7.5 million through year end productivity negotiations.