Along with the daily secretarial responsibilities such as answering the phone, walk-ins, filing, etc, I also handled the following:
- All bank accounts handled in-house at the Sheriff's Office which included writing checks, maintaining Quicken, reconciling monthly, keeping signers up-to-date.
- Spillman Admin - handled all "behind the scenes" work in regards to Spillman, worked directly with Spillman and IT to keep it up-to-date and running as expected for all agencies, took care of any issues/errors our users experienced, kept up with continuing certification to maintain admin status and knowledge of the system.
- LEADS Coordinator - entered new employees/deactivated old employees, kept track of LEADS certification of employees across numerous departments, handled monthly validations of active warrants/OPs/stolen guns & vehicles, kept up with new system developments and worked with employees to learn the new changes when they would come about.
- Required State Police reporting - made sure our agency was staying up-to-date on data that was required to be reported (i.e. - Use of Force, Mental Health).
- FOIA Officer - handled all FOIA requests for the Sheriff's Office as well as the jail, continued training to stay on top of FOIA laws.
- Sex Offenders - worked with the assigned detective, updated Sex Offender registration in LEADS for our county, collected fees.
- Incident Reports - reviewed all deputy reports and handled them as needed (closed out, sent to State's Attorney/Probation/DCFS, kept track of reports assigned to detectives, trusted to not discuss details outside of the department.
- Civil Process - prepared all Civil Process paperwork to be sent out with deputies for service, properly handled/documented once served, charged Petitioners when needed.
- Personnel Files - trusted to handle all personnel files in regards to new/old employees, keeping documentation properly filed, and not discussing details with other.
- Merit Commission - worked closely with Merit Commission members to schedule meetings and have all necessary paperwork prepared and ready for their review.
- Expungements - properly processed/handled all expungements that were sent to our department.
- Sheriff Sales - worked directly with banks and/or law firms to schedule a Sheriff Sale, made sure all documentation was received and ready before the date of sale.
- Annual/Semi-Annual Reports - prepared and reviewed the necessary reports to be presented to the County Board.
- Commendations - worked closely with admin to write Commendation letters for deputies as well as putting together certificates to be presented.
- Audit - worked with the county auditor to provide any and all requested reports and documentation.
- Handled new secretary training and reviews.
- Worked closely with all admin, detectives, deputies, and numerous other departments within the county for anything they needed done or help with.
I was also the Secretary for the Livingston County Jail. Some of my responsibilities included the following:
- Using the jail Lockdown system that was directly connected to inmate accounts and allowed me to bill them for such things as medical and dental charges, District Court Cases they were involved in, fixing any bond or commissary account issues, etc.
- Every week I would empty the lobby kiosk as well as the booking kiosk of all monies that had been deposited, count it all to make sure it matched the deposit reports, and take it to the bank. Many times, I would be responsible for tens of thousands of dollars at a time.
- Responsible for writing and sending out bond checks and paperwork to various counties, writing and sending the appropriate checks to the county Treasurer's department on a monthly basis, paying all commissary bills, as well as any other jail bills that would occur.
- Coordinated DOC transports and made sure all required documentation was prepared and sent out in a timely fashion.
- Worked closely with the Jail Superintendent, Lieutenant, and Correctional Officers when there were bond, billing, paperwork issues, or anything else they needed done or help with.
Other various tasks/responsibilities I had included the following:
- FOP Union negotiator for secretaries.
- FOP Union Treasurer (and Secretary, when needed).
- Animal Control Secretary back-up.
- Coordinated Illinois Sheriff's Association scholarship.
- Cops & Kids Program - ordered and mailed out 13,000+ fliers, kept track of and deposited all donations, made "thank you" ornaments for deputies to hand-deliver to those that donated $100 or more.
- National Child Safety Council - collected and kept track of donations, worked directly with our contact to provide student counts for our local schools, coordinated with deputies the delivery of safety material to the schools.
- Ambassador Group member - met monthly to discuss county-related issues/topics, training programs, etc.
- Handled any ordering that was needed for office/jail supplies, Amazon orders, Kindle orders for inmates, copier maintenance needs.
- In charge of Livingston County Sheriff's Office Facebook page which included sharing any press releases, weather-related news, employment information, responding to messages sent to the page, etc.