Over 90 articles in various journals (including Vaccine, Int.J.Parasitol, PlosOne, PLoS.Pathog,
J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. J. of food protection, JCI insight, Scientific Reports etc.)
Over 1700 google scholar citations, h-index: 23, i10-index: 66
All Peer-reviewed Publications are listed on my Google Scholar Profile:
Selected Publications
- Verma, S. K., Ajzenberg, D., Rivera-Sanchez, A., Su, C., and Dubey, J. P. Genetic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii isolates from Portugal, Austria and Israel reveals higher genetic variability within the type II lineage. Parasitology 2015. 142:948-957 Page 8 of 9 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Sweeny, A. R., Lovallo, M. J., Calero-Bernal, R., Kwok, O. C., Jiang, T., Su, C., Grigg, M. E., and Dubey, J. P. Seroprevalence, isolation, and co-infection of multiple Toxoplasma gondii strains in individual bobcats (Lynx rufus) from Mississippi, USA. Int.J.Parasitol. 2017. 47:297-303 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Arora, A., and Murthy, P. K. Recombinant Calponin of human filariid Brugia malayi: Secondary structure and immunoprophylactic potential. Vaccine 2017. 35:5201- 5208 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Joseph, S. K., Verma, R., Kushwaha, V., Parmar, N., Yadav, P. K., Thota, J. R., Kar, S., and Murthy, P. K. Protection against filarial infection by 45-49 kDa molecules of Brugia malayi via IFNgamma-mediated iNOS induction. Vaccine 2015. 33:527-534 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Minicucci, L., Murphy, D., Carstensen, M., Humpal, C., Wolf, P., Calero- Bernal, R., Cerqueira-Cezar, C. K., Kwok, O. C., Su, C., Hill, D., and Dubey, J. P. Antibody Detection and Molecular Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii from Bobcats (Lynx rufus), Domestic Cats (Felis catus), and Wildlife from Minnesota, USA. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 2016. 63:567-571 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Calero-Bernal, R., Cerqueira-Cezar, C. K., Kwok, O. C., Dudley, M., Jiang, T., Su, C., Hill, D., and Dubey, J. P. Toxoplasmosis in geese and detection of two new atypical Toxoplasma gondii strains from naturally infected Canada geese (Branta canadensis). Parasitol. Res. 2016. 115:1767-1772 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Calero-Bernal, R., Lovallo, M. J., Sweeny, A. R., Grigg, M. E., and Dubey, J. P. Detection of Sarcocystis spp. infection in bobcats (Lynx rufus). Vet. Parasitol. 2015. 212:422-426ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Carstensen, M., Calero-Bernal, R., Moore, S. A., Jiang, T., Su, C., and Dubey, J. P. Seroprevalence, isolation, first genetic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii, and possible congenital transmission in wild moose from Minnesota, USA. Parasitol.Res. 2016. 115:687-690 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Cerqueira-CĆ©zar, C. K., Murata, F. H. A., Lovallo, M. J., Rosenthal, B. M., and Dubey, J. P. Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are natural definitive host of Besnoitia darlingi. Vet.Parasitol. 2017. 248:84-89ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Knowles, S., Cerqueira-Cezar, C. K., Kwok, O. C., Jiang, T., Su, C., and Dubey, J. P. An update on Toxoplasma gondii infections in northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) from Washington State, USA. Vet.Parasitol. 2018. 258:133-137 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Rosypal, A., Mowery, J., Scott, D., Cezar, C., Rosenthal, B. M., Dubey, J. P., and Lindsay, D. Sarcocystis strixi, n. sp. from a barred owl (Strix varia) definitive host and interferon gamma gene knockout mice as experimental intermediate host. J.Parasitol. 2017. 103:768-777 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Trupkiewicz, J., Georoff, T., and Dubey, J. P. Molecularly Confirmed Acute, Fatal Sarcocystis falcatula Infection in the Rainbow Lorikeets (Trichoglossus moluccanus) at the Philadelphia Zoo. J.Parasitol. 2018. 104:710-712 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Lindsay, D. S., Grigg, M. E., and Dubey, J. P. Isolation, Culture and Cryopreservation of Sarcocystis species. Curr.Protoc.Microbiol. 2017. 45:20D ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Su, C., and Dubey, J. P. Toxoplasma gondii isolates from mouflon sheep (Ovis ammon) from Hawaii, USA. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 2015. 62:141-143 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Kushwaha, V., Dubey, V., Saxena, K., Sharma, A., and Murthy, P. K. Inflammatory mediator release by Brugia malayi from macrophages of susceptible host Mastomys coucha and THP-1 and RAW 264.7 cell lines. Asian Pac.J.Trop.Med. 2011. 4:92-96 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Lindsay, D. S., Mowery, J. D., Rosenthal, B. M., and Dubey, J. P. Sarcocystis pantherophisi n. sp., from Eastern Rat Snakes (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) as Definitive Hosts and Interferon Gamma Gene Knockout Mice as Experimental Intermediate Hosts. J.Parasitol. 2017. 103:547- 554 ā¢
- Verma, S. K., Lindsay, D. S., Rosenthal, B. M., and Dubey, J. P. Ancient, globally distributed lineage of Sarcocystis from sporocysts of the Eastern rat snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) and its relation to neurological sequalae in intermediate hosts. Parasitol.Res. 2016. 115:2697-2704ā¢
- Verma, S. K., von Dohlen, A. R., Mowery, J. D., Scott, D., Rosenthal, B. M., Dubey, J. P., and Lindsay, D. S. Sarcocystis jamaicensis n. sp., from Red-Tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) Definitive Host and IFN-gamma Gene Knockout Mice as Experimental Intermediate Host. J.Parasitol. 2017. 103:555-564ā¢
- Wang, Z. T., Verma, S. K., Dubey, J. P., and Sibley, L. D. The aromatic amino acid hydroxylase genes AAH1 and AAH2 in Toxoplasma gondii contribute to transmission in the cat. PLoS.Pathog. 2017. 13:e1006272