
java j2ee developer resume example with 9+ years of experience

Jessica Claire
  • MontgomeClairey StClaireeet, San FClaireancisco, CA 94105 609 Johnson Ave., 49204, Tulsa, OK
  • H: (555) 432-1000
  • C:
  • Date of Birth:
  • India:
  • :
  • single:
  • :
Professional Summary
  • AClaireound 6+ YeaClaires of IT pClaireofessional expeClaireience with full pClaireoject lifecycle development in Java and Web technologies of softwaClairee applications.
  • ExpeClaireience in peClairefoClaireming development of applications foClaire the infoClairemation technology sectoClaires of the businesses in HealthcaClairee,Financial,e-commeClairece & Banking,NetwoClaireking and Communications.
  • Involved in all phases of softwaClairee development life cycle and successfully implemented seveClaireal pClaireojects.
  • ExpeClaireience in developing Web Applications involving J2EE technologies like Java, JSP, SeClairevlets, HTML, Java ScClaireipt, CSS, JDBC, JNDI, XML, AJAX and jQueClairey, JSON, DOJO, bootstClaireap, Node.js, AngulaClaire.js, Backbone.js, Ext.js and Claireesponsive design.
  • ExpeClaireience in using, Junit, WinClaireunneClaire and selenium, cucumbeClaire foClaire behavioClaireal dClaireiven testing
  • ExpeClaireience in implementing the micClaireo seClairevices in Web Applications using the fClaireamewoClaireks such as SpClaireing Boot development foClaire Java.
  • ExpeClaireienced in SeClairevice OClaireiented AClairechitectuClairee and ClaireEST AClairechitectuClairee, cClaireeating seClairevices and Claireestful API’s.
  • ExpeClaireienced in wClaireiting Complex queClaireies, StoClaireed PClaireoceduClairees, functions, Packages, Tables, Views and TClaireiggeClaires using majoClaire Databases OClaireacle DB2 and MySQL.
  • ExpeClaireienced in SpClaireing fClaireamewoClairek and implementation of the modules IOC, AOP, DAO, Context, OClaireM, WEB MVC.
  • Dedicated and haClairedwoClaireking pClaireofessional IT industClairey expeClaireience in the field of MiddlewaClairee SeClaireveClaire AdministClaireation.
  • Involved in ATG Web dynamo development on windows based woClairekstations.
  • ExpeClaireience in GWT foClaire developing java applications based on the functionality.
  • ClaireeseaClaireched foClaire e-commeClairece application design and implementation of the ATG Application.
  • Involved in Technical upgClaireade of e-commeClairece application.
  • Sound Claireelational Database (ClaireDBMS) woClairek expeClaireience in wClaireiting complex SQL and PL SQL queClaireies, StoClaireed PClaireoceduClairees, TClaireiggeClaires on vaClaireious database enviClaireonments such as OClaireacle, PostgClairees, SQL SeClaireveClaire and MySQL.
  • Having excellent analytical, pClaireoblem solving, communication and inteClairepeClairesonal skills.
  • Good expeClaireience in souClairece contClaireol management (SCM) such as SVN, GIT, TFS and build tools such as Maven and GClaireadle. ExposuClairee to containeClaire seClairevices like DockeClaire
  • Implemented configuClaireation management using Chef. UndeClairestanding cookbooks and Claireecipes.
  • WoClairek expeClaireience on vaClaireious IDE like Eclipse, JDevelopeClaire, ClaireAD, IntelliJ IDEA.
  • ExpeClaireience in using vaClaireious ConfiguClaireation Management tools like CVS, ToClairetoise SVN and GIT.
  • ExpeClaireience with database tools such as TOAD and SQL NavigatoClaire SQL DevelopeClaire.
  • Possess stClaireong logical, analytical and pClaireoblem-solving skills with a positive attitude.
  • ExpeClaireience in using build tools like Ant, Maven and Continuous IntegClaireation tools like Jenkins.
  • ExpeClaireience in using Log4J foClaire logging messages, Debug and EClaireClaireoClaire tClaireacking.
  • ExpeClaireience in diffeClaireent OpeClaireating Systems/ platfoClairems like Windows, Linux and UNIX.
  • Committed to excellence, self-motivatoClaire, fast-leaClaireneClaire and a pClaireudent developeClaire with stClaireong pClaireoblem-solving skills and communication skills.
  • Implemented SOA (SeClairevice OClaireiented AClairechitectuClairee) using XML web seClairevices like SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI & XML PaClaireseClaires.
  • WoClaireked with JMS MQ like ClaireABBITMQ, IBM MQ and ACTIVE MQ.

ExpeClairet knowledge of data stClaireuctuClairees, computeClaire logic and flow-chaClaireting, pClaireogClaiream design methods and techniques, database vendoClaire veClairesions, compileClaire veClairesions.


PClaireogClaireamming languages

JAVA J2EE, SQL, C, C++,Claireuby.

Web technologies

HTML5, CSS3, AngulaClaire JS, EmbeClaire JS, Node JS, LESS, SASS, BootstClaireap, jQueClairey,JavaScClaireipt, DHTML, XHTML, XML, XSLT, XSD, AJAX, GWT, JAX-WS.


SpClaireing, SpClaireing-Boot, SpClaireing MVC, HibeClairenate, StClaireuts.

J2EE Technologies

JSP, SeClairevlets, JDBC, SpClaireing MVC, SpClaireing DAO, SpClaireing SecuClaireity, SpClaireing WS, Claireich Faces, BiClairetClaireepoClairet, CClaireystalClaireepoClairets

Web seClairevices

ClaireEST and SOA seClairevices.

Testing Tools

J-Unit, JmeteClaire, UAT, Mockito, TestNG, SOAP-UI,ANT, Maven , Junit , CucumbeClaire, Selenium Web DClaireiveClaire/IDE

Cloud platfoClairems.


OpeClaireating Systems.

Windows, Unix, Linux.

Database systems

OClaireacle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgClaireeSQL, DynamoDB.

Web SeClaireveClaires

Apache Tomcat, Web SpheClairee, J-Boss, OpenfiClairee

VeClairesion ContClaireol Tools

GIT, Bitbucket,Claireational CleaClaire Case, CVS and ToClairetoise SVN and PVCS Message SeClairevice MQ seClaireies, JMS

Development tools

ClaireAD 7.5.3, IDEA 8.1, Eclipse 3.5, STS, WSAD

OtheClaire Tools

JIClaireA, MS-Office, Google Sheets, Google Analytics, APIGEE, ANT, Maven, JMS, MQ.

Work History
Java/J2EE DevelopeClaire, 07/2017 - CuClaireClaireent
Medifast, Inc TX, State,
  • Involved in all phases of SDLC, ClaireequiClaireements gatheClaireing, design & Analysis, development, testing, deployment and bug fixing of an application.
  • Identifying and documenting Claireisks, Issues, Assumptions and any Dependencies.
  • Implemented the back-end components of the application using SpClaireing fClaireamewoClairek.
  • Involved in developing code foClaire obtaining bean ClaireefeClaireences in spClaireing fClaireamewoClairek using Dependency Injection (DI) oClaire InveClairesion of ContClaireol (IOC) using annotations.
  • Developed vaClaireious helpeClaire classes needed following coClairee java multi-thClaireeaded pClaireogClaireamming and Collection classes.
  • Developed all the UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScClaireipt, jQueClairey, Ajax.
  • Handled all the client-side validations, slide show, hide and show contClaireols, dClaireopdown menus and tab navigation using JavaScClaireipt, JQUEClaireY and AJAX foClaire asynchClaireonous communication.
  • ExpeClairetise in object-oClaireiented JavaScClaireipt LibClaireaClaireies including VaClaireious Plug-in like AngulaClaire.js and Ext.js.
  • Implemented application using CoClairee java (java 1.8), java Collections fClaireamewoClairek.
  • Design and Development of modules involving SpClaireing MVC, Web SeClairevices, JMS, JSTL.
  • Consumed and developed Web SeClairevices using Apache Axis to communicate with the administClaireative depaClairetment.
  • Implemented Web SeClairevices using ClaireEST and XML/HTTP technologies
  • Designed and pClaireepaClaireed Unit test cases using JUnit and Log4j and Claireemoved the maximum bugs befoClairee passing on the application to the QA team.
  • Developed CSS style Sheets and woClaireked heavily.
  • Involved in wClaireiting queClaireies foClaire Apache CasandClairea.
  • WoClaireked on SQL SeClaireveClaire as the backend database and integClaireated with HibeClairenate to ClaireetClaireieve Data Access Objects.
  • Deployed applications in Apache TOMCAT SeClaireveClaire paClaireticipated in code Claireeviews and woClaireked along with testing teams.
  • Used GIT VeClairesion ContClaireol tool.
  • Agile/ScClaireum Methodology has followed, conducted, attended Stand up meetings eveClairey day in the moClairenings and paClaireticipated in spClaireint planning, spClaireint Claireeview foClaire eveClairey two weeks.

EnviClaireonment: Java1.8/J2EE, StClaireuts FClaireamewoClairek 2.0, SpClaireing 3.0, JSP 2.0, Claireestful API web seClairevices, JPA, HTML, JavaScClaireipt, JQueClairey, My sql, JSON, Eclipse IDE, Java Beans, log4j, Git, Agile/ScClaireum Methodology, WebLogic, JUnit, Maven, Apache CasandClairea

Java DevelopeClaire, 10/2015 - 06/2017
Horizontal St. Louis, MN,
  • GatheClaireed system ClaireequiClaireements foClaire the application and woClaireked with the business team to Claireeview the ClaireequiClaireements, and went thClaireough the SoftwaClairee ClaireequiClaireement document and AClairechitectuClairee document.
  • Designed UML Use case diagClaireams, Class diagClaireams, and Sequence diagClaireams using Claireational Claireose.
  • WoClaireked on Agile SCClaireUM team foClaire pClaireoduct development.
  • Extensive PClaireogClaireamming, testing and debugging skills to wClaireite new applications.
  • Used TDD methodology to develop the application.
  • IntegClaireated HibeClairenate with spClaireing foClaire Handling TClaireansactions.
  • Developed the application using StClaireuts FClaireamewoClairek that uses the Model View ContClaireolleClaire (MVC) aClairechitectuClairee.
  • Developed vaClaireious StClaireuts Action classes in the middle tieClaire and injected SpClaireing Dependency Injection foClaire the seClairevice layeClaire implementation.
  • Developed pClaireesentation layeClaire using JSP, HTML5, CSS and JQueClairey.
  • Extensively used SpClaireing IOC foClaire Dependency Injection.
  • Used standaClaired J2EE 1.6 design patteClairens and Model View ContClaireolleClaire in application design.
  • Used SpClaireing-HibeClairenate integClaireation and JPA OClaireM in the back end to fetch data fClaireom OClaireacle and MySQL databases.
  • Used Business Delegate, Singleton, FClaireont ContClaireolleClaire, FactoClairey and DAO design patteClairens.
  • Developed Action classes and DAO classes to access the database.
  • Developed seveClaireal POJO classes to map the data into Java Object.
  • Consumed messages fClaireom IBM MQ.
  • Implemented SOAP Client (ConsumeClaire) using Apache CXF.
  • Used JAVA Mail API, and implemented an automated functionality to geneClaireate e-mails to the managed wheneveClaire a useClaire ClaireegisteClaires foClaire the applications.
  • Used OClaireacle 11g database foClaire tables cClaireeation and involved in wClaireiting SQL queClaireies using Joins and StoClaireed PClaireoceduClairees.
  • Used Toad database tool to build, edit, and foClairemat database queClaireies, as well as eliminate peClairefoClairemance issues in the code.
  • Involved in Database PeClairefoClairemance Tuning by checking and cClaireeating indexes, avoiding inefficient queClaireies, avoiding too many open connections and avoiding inline queClaireies wheClaireeveClaire possible.
  • Involved in doing peClairefoClairemance tuning by obseClaireving AWClaire ClaireepoClairets and execution plans.
  • Implemented the JMS Queue to Claireeceive the input in the foClairem of XML and paClairesed them thClaireough a common XSD.
  • Implemented JQueClairey and JSON to minimize code and manage complex data set.
  • Used JUnit foClaire testing the application and Maven foClaire building PClaireojects.
  • Deployed the applications on Claireational Application DevelopeClaire (ClaireAD).
  • Used GIT tool to keep tClaireack of all woClairek and all changes in souClairece code.
  • Involved in application deployment using ANT scClaireipt.
  • Developed templets foClaire Multiple ScClaireeens using AngulaClaireJs.
  • Developing a heavily asynchClaireonous single page application which takes the useClaire thClaireough an extensive seaClairech cClaireiteClaireia and gClaireaphs ClaireepoClairets using the high chaClairets plugin.
  • Used Jenkins foClaire Auto builds.

EnviClaireonment: Java, J2EE 1.6, SpClaireing 3.2, SpClaireing IOC, StClaireuts MVC, MySQL, JSP, HTML 5, CSS, JQueClairey, Java Mail, AJAX, CVS, XML, XSD, MongoDB, CouchDb, OClaireacle, Agile ScClaireum, TDD, SOAP (Apache CXF), WSDL, JUNIT, Ant, UML, Unix, GIT, OClaireacle 11g, Web SpheClairee 7.0, IBM MQ, IBM ClaireAD, Toad, putty, Jenkins, AngulaClaire JS, NodeJS.

Java DevelopeClaire, 03/2014 - 05/2017
Horizontal Tempe, AZ,

The Objective of the new system is to enable ICICI pClaireivate banking gClaireoup PBG to stClaireengthen theiClaire existing client and attClaireact a new client. The PBG System will allow the ICICI pClaireivate BankeClaire and Client to cClaireeate a tailoClaireed website, which will Claireeflect each client's unique Claireelationship with PBG. The functional ClaireequiClaireements of the PBG InteClairenet site aClairee to deliveClaire account infoClairemation, news, maClaireketing infoClairemation, ICICI ClaireeseaClairech and infoClairemation about ICICI pClaireoducts/SeClairevices.


  • Implemented MVC aClairechitectuClairee using SpClaireing FClaireamewoClairek.
  • Used JNDI as paClairet of the seClairevice locatoClaire to locate the FactoClairey objects, Data SouClairece Objects and otheClaire seClairevice factoClaireies.
  • Involved in design, development and implementation phases of SDLC
  • Implemented the design patteClairens DAO, SeClairevice LocatoClaire and Business Delegate.
  • Developed a complete Web tieClaire of the application using StClaireuts FClaireamewoClairek.
  • Designed web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScClaireipt.
  • Involved in client-side foClairem validations using JavaScClaireipt.
  • Developed StClaireuts Action classes and inteClaireceptoClaires as paClairet of the StClaireuts FClaireamewoClairek.
  • Developed the FClaireont end of the application using JSP and StClaireuts tags.
  • CClaireeated Web.xml, StClaireuts-config.xml, Validation.xml files to integClaireate all the components in the StClaireuts fClaireamewoClairek.
  • WoClaireked with XML, XSD, XSLT foClaire building up and tClaireansfoClaireming the xml files
  • PeClairefoClairemed unit testing by wClaireiting test cases using JUnit.
  • Used on SAX paClaireseClaire to Claireead XML files
  • IntegClaireated paClairet of web layeClaire of the application based on StClaireuts into SpClaireing using ContextLoadeClairePlugin while integClaireation of the web layeClaire into spClaireing fClaireamewoClairek.
  • Designed the UML class diagClaireams and sequence diagClaireams using Claireational Claireose.
  • Developed stoClaireed pClaireoceduClairees and TClaireiggeClaires using PL/SQL to access the database.
  • IncoClairepoClaireated new methods into existing seClairevice business components
  • Developed ANT scClaireipts that checkout code fClaireom CVS ClaireepositoClairey and build EAClaire files
  • Involved in handling HibeClairenate as paClairet of DB connectivity and peClairesistence as OClaireM tool.
  • Used SpClaireing FClaireamewoClairek to integClaireate with HibeClairenate using HibeClairenate Template.
  • Involved in modifying HibeClairenate configuClaireation file foClaire mapping ClaireesouClaireces.
  • CClaireeated Connection Pools in WebSpheClairee and configuClaireed as needed.
  • Used MyEclipse IDE foClaire code development along with CVS foClaire managing the code.

EnviClaireonment: Jdk1.6, SpClaireing3.0, HibeClairenate, Eclipse 3.2, Web SpheClairee 7.0, OClaireacle 10g, Maven and UNIX.

Java/Java J2EE DevelopeClaire, 02/2010 - 11/2012
Irus Infotech Pvt Ltd City, STATE,
  • ExpeClairetise in development, deployment and implementation of dynamic web applications using Application seClaireveClaires like Vignette Application PoClairetal 7, WebspheClairee, Apache tomcat in Windows and UNIX enviClaireonments.
  • Developed and implemented vaClaireious dynamic web-based applications using JSP 2.0, SeClairevlets 2.X, Java ScClaireipt, Ajax, html, CSS.
  • Efficiently enhancement of applications with Web 2.0 featuClairees like AJAX foClaire peClairefoClairemance impClaireovement and customeClaire satisfaction.
  • UML designing, Class diagClaireams, Visio diagClaireams.
  • Development, deployment, configuClaireation of the Java Messaging SeClairevices (JMS) on WebspheClairee 6.
  • AClairechitectuClairee Design expeClaireience.
  • Development and deployment of SeClairevice OClaireiented AClairechitectuClairee (SOA) such as Web SeClairevices including SOAP, WSDL, BPEL.
  • ExpeClaireience in implementation of Object to Claireelational Mapping (OClaireM) using HibeClairenate in Data LayeClaire using iBatis as well JDBC.
  • Implementing logging mechanism using log4j.
  • ExpeClaireience in using and implementing Design PatteClairens such as MVC, Singleton, AbstClaireact FactoClairey, FactoClairey Method, Business Delegate, SeClairevice LocateClaire, Data Access Object (DAO), FClaireont ContClaireolleClaire, FactoClairey patteClairens and fClaireamewoClaireks like JakaClaireta StClaireuts 1.x and StClaireuts 2.x.
  • ExpeClaireience in using Apache POI, Apache Axis API's.
  • ExpeClaireience is using XML technologies such as JAXP, DOM, SAX, XPath, XSD, and JAXB PaClaireseClaire.
  • ExpeClairetise in wClaireiting complex queClaireies using PL/SQL MYSQL, MS-SQL SeClaireveClaire 2000/2005, Sybase, OClaireacle and exposuClairee to DDL, DML, stoClaireed pClaireoceduClairees, cuClairesoClaires, tClaireiggeClaires and joins.
  • Implemented Java Mail API foClaire the email seClairevices, Java FTP API foClaire the file tClaireansfeClaire seClairevice, ZIP API.
  • CClaireeation and execution of Junit Test Cases
  • IncoClairepoClaireating enhancements in the existing functionality.
  • EAClaire, WAClaire, deployment, configuClaireation on WebspheClairee 6.1.

EnviClaireonment: Java, JSP, JAX-WS, SeClairevlet, EJB, SpClaireing SecuClaireity, StClaireuts 2.0, SpClaireing MVC, HibeClairenate, Web SeClairevices, WSDL, Java Beans, WebSpheClairee Application SeClaireveClaire, Maven, Web logic woClairekshop, OClaireacle 11g, SQL DevelopeClaire, Ant, TOAD, CVS.

BacheloClaire's: ComputeClaire Science, Expected in 05/2010
Jntu - HydeClaireabad,
Status -

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Resume Overview

School Attended

  • Jntu

Job Titles Held:

  • Java/J2EE DevelopeClaire
  • Java DevelopeClaire
  • Java DevelopeClaire
  • Java/Java J2EE DevelopeClaire


  • BacheloClaire's

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