- MRP, ERP, Tool & Accountability and CAPEX. Creating and issuing procurement requisitions. Able to source and re-source material requirements and maintain vibrant Supplier relationships.
- Computer literate: SAP (SAP SuperUser – 10 yrs.), Lawson Smart Office/M3, IBM Lotus Notes, Sentry File, SharePoint, Navision, Epicor Prophet 21, Microsoft Office 2013;
- Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Access, SharePoint, SentryFile, OnBase (IR/FAIR database), IMS/ CPRO, Insight, Cost analyzer 99, MES (MEDS), Team Center, Requirements
- Workbench, DS Enovia-SmartTeam, FileNet, TC-1 Client Services, Quickbooks, Intranet and Internet.
- Accounting, MES, TQM
- Accounts payable, Access, Transportation
- Accounts payables, Excel, Workbench
- Acquisitions, Microsoft Office
- Balance, Office
- Commodities, Outlook
- Hardware, PowerPoint
- Computer literate, Window
- Continuous improvement, Word
- Contract management, MRP
- Contracts, Navision
- Cost analysis, Negotiation
- Cost reduction, Negotiating
- Cost control, New product development
- Client, Order entry
- Database, Personnel
- Delivery, Pricing
- Direction, Problem solving
- Documentation, Processes
- Electronics, Procurement
- ERP, Proposals
- Estimating, Proposal
- FileNet, Purchasing
- Financial, Quality
- Functional, Quickbooks
- General office duties, Reading
- HR, Receiving
- Inventory, Sales
- Lawson, SAP
- Logistics, Shipping
- Lotus Notes, Six Sigma
- Managing, Spreadsheets
- Market, Strategic
- Materials, Supply chain