I have been
involved in numerous group endeavors, most of which have been dedicated to
environmental sustainability or
coexistence in regions of Israel.
Work experiences with like-minded peers have left me with
a deep interest in and curiosity about how people interact
with their surroundings. I have developed strong
analytical faculties that allow me to dive deep into any subject matter,
particularly matters of sociological and even
psychological cause and effect, while staying conscientious of who I am
speaking with and questioning, their needs and
their boundaries.
I have used and built upon my creative
faculties for assignments I've been given to make sustainable solutions to
everyday needs. These skills were mostly put to the test in a
hands-on way with my experiences with permaculture, a practice that centers on completely sustainable agriculture and
zero-waste living systems. To make a project that centers around permaculture principles requires great
attention to detail and consideration of multiple variables in architecture, planning, and construction; I recruited
several other workers including myself to build a yoga/meditation
sanctuary/platform out of
rocks, sand, clay, water, and straw. It was my job as
creator of the project to do the planning, recruiting, coordination of labor,
and coordinating with others to gather all the materials needed.
Regarding jobs
geared more towards general life experience, I have
been a camp counselor for young
children for seven weeks. This commanded patience,
dedication, enthusiasm, flexibility, and an overarching understanding of other's needs. It was not dissimilar to
the classrooms I taught in during my year abroad in Israel. I was put in front
of many classes of Bedouin schoolchildren anywhere from the ages of 6-13 to teach English to, children who had no formal experience really cooperating with a
teacher, as it might seem upon first entering those classrooms, though it went smoothly in the end. On top of this job, I have worked on a farm, and in
several restaurants, all of which required dependability and meticulous focus on completion of various tasks.