
outreach program manager gs 14 1035 resume example with 20+ years of experience

(555) 432-1000,
Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 9XXX5
  • 25+ years of demonstrated leadership and oversight in all facets of health communications, including strategic planning, program and policy development, budget development, message development and delivery, and program evaluation. Expertise in overseeing outreach programs and public information clearinghouses. Media expertise, including serving as Agency Spokesperson, media training, and developing proactive and tactical media outreach strategies. Specialized skill and experience in effectively managing complex press activities, including crisis communications and controversial or high profile issues.

  • Developed and fostered relationships with key and top-tier scientific media outlets.
  • Established strategic media relations and increased accurate and positive media coverage.
  • Superior knowledge of media theory and media terminology, including traditional and social media reference.
  • Ability to determine effective media usage by providing research information and guidance on plans, budget allocations, industry standard measurement tools, execution and post-analysis.
  • Flexibility, adaptability and ability to learn quickly in various technical and creative environments, while delivering quality work to meet tight deadlines.
  • Expertise monitoring and understanding research advances and trends to help reframe strategic goals. Skilled in training scientific staff to serve as media spokespersons, including message development, talking points, sound bites, tip sheets, and mock interview training.
  • Expertise directing the development and implementation of a congressionally mandated clearinghouse.
  • Organized and resourceful, able to balance competing priorities to complete projects and initiatives within deadlines and budgets.
  • Exceptional writing and verbal communication skills, including ability to translate complex science into plain language.
  • Superior knowledge conducting research on legislative, regulatory, and public policy issues impacting the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Education
    University of Maryland, University College College Park, MD Expected in ā€“ ā€“ Masters : Applied Management - GPA : Masters Degree in Applied Management, Graduated May, 1994 University of Maryland, University College Graduate School of Management and Technology; College Park, MD
    Frostburg State University Frostburg, MD Expected in ā€“ ā€“ Bachelors : Sociology and Psychology - GPA : Bachelors Degree in Sociology and Psychology, Graduated May 1981 Frostburg State University; Frostburg, MD
    CAM M.D Notary Public State of Maryland since 1982 Trans-NIH Committee Memberships Member, NIH Extramural Communications Liaisons (2013-present) Member, CTSA Communications Sub-Committee Committee Member, Electronic Submission Public Website Working Group Chair, Electronic Submission Intranet Website Working Group CTSA Communications Committee
    • 2015-Exemplempary Performance Award
    • 2012 - NCCAM Director's Award (Group) - Web Working Group Accomplishments
    • 2012 - NIH Twenty Year Service Award
    • 2008 - NCCAM Director's Award (Group) - Development of Grantsmanship Workshop
    • 2007 - NIH Plain Language Award (electronic grants receipt Web site)
    • 2004 - AoA "Bravo Award," acknowledging outstanding media work to promote Older Americans Month and exemplary press work unveiling the Medicare Drug Card
    • 2004 - NIH Plain Language Award (received two awards - one for an employee newsletter and the other for developing an on-line press room)
    • 2002 Inspire Award (Employee Newsletter/Web Site Competition) from the League of American Communications Professionals
    • 2002 - NIH 10-year Service Award
    • 1995 NIDCD/ORMH Partnerships Program Mentor Award
    • 1993 - NIH Director's Merit Award
    • NIH Time-Off Incentive Award, 1994, 1997
    • Constant Care Medical Center's Award of Excellence (1983)
    • Who's Who Among American College and University Students (1982 Edition)
    San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino - Outreach Program Manager - GS-14 (1035)
    Highland, CA, 2014 - 2014
    6707 Democracy Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892 40 hours per week; Salary: $139,523
    • Outreach Program Manager was a position created in 2004, which met several needs identified in NCCIHā€™s strategic planning efforts during the 2004 calendar year.

    • Develops and executes a comprehensive outreach communications plan to reachĀ  NCCIHā€™s grant community.Ā  The Plan included goals, strategies, activities, timelines, responsible parties, and performance measures.

    • Identifies integrative medicine and health disparities research organizations of interest to develop partnerships and collaboration to expand NCCAMā€™s research agenda.

    • Monitors information provided by grassroots and professional integrative medicine organizations, including subscribing to newsletters, blogs, and list serves, and reviewing Web content.

    • Developing strategies to reach the integrative medicine community, especially those groups with whom NCCIH has not yet established ties (e.g., energy healers, Native American healers, movement therapists, advocacy and grassroots organizations, and special population groups).

    • Reaching out to constituent communities and special populations to determine their information needs and designing strategies, methods and materials to best meet their needs.

    • Reviewing research articles published by NCCIH grantees to identify significant findings that may be of interest to designated groups, and translating research findings into lay language for the general public.

    • Developing collaborative outreach plans jointly with program officers within the Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) and the Office of Communications (OC).

    Akumin Inc. J Usf - Special Assignment (Detail) - Press Officer
    Bryn Mawr, PA, 01/2014 - 01/2014
    • One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20201 40 hours per week; Salary: $ 105,830.00 January 26, 2004 - August 30, 2004 Supervisor: Ms. Carol Crecy Phone: (202) 357-3505 Duties:
    • Served as press officer and media spokesperson for an agency of the Department of Health and Human dedicated to policy development, planning and the delivery of supportive home and community-based services to older persons and their caregivers through a national aging network of state and local agencies on aging, tribal organizations, service providers and volunteers.
    • Arranged and participated in interviews with the Assistant Secretary for Aging, senior staff, and other key program officials.
    • Designated AoA's representative on weekly conference calls of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA), which included communications directors of all HHS agencies.
    • Worked with AoA during the release of the new Medicare discount drug card program.
    • Developed, coordinated, and lead the technical review and clearance of AoA's 2003 Annual Report.
    • Developed electronic news clips, highlighting major issues and areas of interest for AoA senior staff.
    • Wrote and edited press releases and developed Web content for key AoA programs and initiatives for AoA's Web site.
    • Wrote an adversarial for Every Woman Magazine, a national magazine distributed to doctor's offices across the country that focuses on women's health issues.
    • Developed written standard operating procedures for obtaining document clearance, requesting media interviews, and other media procedures.
    Edenred S.A. - Press Officer -GS13 (1035)
    Waltham, MA, 2014 - 2014
    • 20892 Bethesda, MD 40 hours per week; Salary: $ 96,830.00 Jan 01, 1995 - January 26, 2004 Supervisors: Ms. Christy Thomsen (Retired), Stephen E. Straus, MD (Deceased) Duties:
    • Served as NCCAM's media expert and Spokesperson, establishing and nurturing effective media relations for a congressionally mandated Center created to conduct rigorous, high-quality research, research training, and information dissemination on complementary and alternative (CAM) medicine practices.
    • Provided authoritative advice to NCCAM's Director and senior management staff on tactical media strategies/techniques for handling interviews and promotional efforts.
    • Served as acting director of Office of Communications in the absence of the director.
    • Developed media information products (e.g., press releases, backgrounders, Q&A's, fact sheets, position statements, and Letters to the Editor) to effectively communicate (often controversial) science and health information to diverse audiences.
    • Served as editor of NCCAM Headline News, a monthly internal newsletter (initiated by me) for NCCAM staff. Served for two years as editor of Complementary & Alternative Medicine at the NIH, NCCAM's external newsletter distributed to 7,000 subscribers.
    • Planned 3 successful town meetings - held in Boston, Arizona, and Portland, OR. Town Meetings are new public outreach opportunities for NCCAM to reach the public with information on NIH research, and research conducted at local research Centers.
    • Planned, developed, and implemented outreach and promotion activities initiated by the Public Information Working Group of the OAM's Federally-chartered Advisory Council.
    • Served as project officer of NCCAM's first Public Information Clearinghouse, with primary responsibility for day-to-day oversight of writing projects, policy development, outreach/promotion efforts, and evaluation of contractor performance.
    • Appointed member of the planning committee of the first NIH Communications Director's retreat, held in 2000; presented workshop on media relations at this retreat.
    • From 1995-1999, I served as NCCAM's Freedom of Information (FOI) Coordinator.
    Advocates - Outreach Program Manager
    West Boylston, MA, 08/2004 - Current
    • September 1, 2004 - Present - NOTE: Have worked for NCCIH (formerly NCCAM) for 21 consecutive years Supervisor: Dr. Emmeline Edwards (Contact: Yes) Phone: (XXX) XXX-4792 Duties:
    • Outreach Program Manager was a position created in 2004, which met several needs identified in NCCIH's strategic planning efforts during the 2004 calendar year.
    • Develops and executes a comprehensive outreach communications plan to reach NCCIH's grant community. The Plan included goals, strategies, activities, timelines, responsible parties, and performance measures.
    • Identifies integrative medicine and health disparities research organizations of interest to develop partnerships and collaboration to expand NCCAM's research agenda.
    • Monitors information provided by grassroots and professional integrative medicine organizations, including subscribing to newsletters, blogs, and list serves, and reviewing Web content.
    • Developing strategies to reach the integrative medicine community, especially those groups with whom NCCIH has not yet established ties (e.g., energy healers, Native American healers, movement therapists, advocacy and grassroots organizations, and special population groups).
    • Reaching out to constituent communities and special populations to determine their information needs and designing strategies, methods and materials to best meet their needs.
    • Reviewing research articles published by NCCIH grantees to identify significant findings that may be of interest to designated groups, and translating research findings into lay language for the general public.
    • Developing collaborative outreach plans jointly with program officers within the Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) and the Office of Communications (OC).
    Strava - Outreach Program Manager GS-13 (1035)
    Denver, CO, 1994 - 11/1994
    • 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892 40 hours per week; Salary: $ 62,000.00 Jan 01, 1994 - Dec 31, 1994 Supervisor: Kate Duffy/Chris Thomsen Phone: (XXX) XXX-7984 Duties:
    • Served as program manager of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Cancer Information Service (CIS) Outreach Program-a national information service that provides cancer information and resources to patients and health care professionals.
    • Provided daily programmatic advice and technical assistance to 30 CIS Outreach Coordinators, located at 26 NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers in the U.S.
    • Conducted site visits to 3 cancer information sites to evaluate service delivery, contract adherence, and progress. This resulted in detailed written reports citing key areas of progress, as well as contract deficiencies.
    • Wrote articles and edited OCC Timeline, a monthly newsletter designed to communicate newsworthy items of interest to the CIS, and designated NCI cancer intermediaries.
    • Assisted in the development of a comprehensive training program for new outreach coordinators; presented this program at the national CIS Meeting in 1994.
    • Made professional presentations about the outreach program at national CIS meetings and meetings with NCI national intermediary and advocacy groups.
    • Served as assistant project officer for NCI's publication fulfillment service, responsible for overseeing contractor performance of a publications ordering service that handled/distributed over 300 NCI information materials.
    National Institutes Of Health - Public Affairs Specialist - GS-13 (1035)
    City, STATE, 01/1992 - 11/1994
    • 20892 40 hours per week; Salary: $ 47,920.00 Feb 05, 1992 - Dec 31, 1994 Supervisor: Ms. Johanna Schneider Phone: (202) 966-0356 - Home number Duties:
    • Planned, directed, and coordinated press activities (e.g., news briefings, editorial board meetings; press conferences, and media interviews) for Bernadine P. Healy, M.D., former NIH Director, and senior NIH management staff.
    • Served as the focal point and Spokesperson for media inquiries on broad, cross cutting, high profile and often controversial. NIH issues of high interest and concern to the NIH Director (e.g., Gene Patenting, Fetal Tissue Research, EEO Complaints, and Scientific Misconduct).
    • Developed, press releases, fact sheets, background statements, Q&A's, news advisories and other written materials to effectively convey accurate and comprehensive information to the media.
    • Provided media advice and developed information products for two OD offices: the NIH Office of Disease Prevention and Office of Minority Health--assisting in the development of press materials, and publicity efforts to effectively communicate the goals of the largest clinical trial involving women (The Women's Health Initiative), and to launch a national minority organ donation program, in collaboration with Howard University and former Congressman Louis Stokes.
    • Developed and maintained effective working relationships with public affairs representatives, OD senior staff, mass media groups, other government agencies, Members of Congress, professional groups, and community interest groups.
    Children's National Medical Center - Executive Associate
    City, STATE, 07/1988 - 01/1992
    • CNMC); 111 Michigan Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20010 40 hours per week; Salary: $ 45,500.00 Aug 12, 1988 - Jan 31, 1992 Supervisor: Ms. Andrea Price and Ms. Kris Powell Phone: No longer employed at CNMC Duties:
    • Served as liaison for the Vice President of Human Resources in the communication of new and existing personnel policies and procedures to Executive Management Staff, and hospital employees.
    • Coordinated major hospital events: D.C. Hospital Association Annual Awards Banquet, Children's Miracle Network Telethon, and Executive Management Staff retreats.
    • Monitored monthly budgets for twelve ancillary departments, analyzed variances, and produced monthly reports; provided advice and implemented procedures to enhance the collection and reporting of budgetary data to the Vice President of Professional Services.
    • Served on the CNMC management team for employee union contract negotiations.
    • Developed community outreach and media promotional efforts for the grand opening of the CNMC at Laurel Lakes Clinic.
    New York Avenue NW - Public Affairs Manager
    City, STATE, 06/1986 - 09/1988
    • Suite 1000; Washington, DC 20005-4701 40 hours per week; Salary: $ 35,000.00 Jun 01, 1986 - Aug 30, 1988 Supervisor: Mr. Ronald Eisenberg Phone: No longer employed at CASE Duties:
    • Planned and coordinated meetings of the National Task Force on Higher Education, including development of topical issues, meeting agendas and presentation materials.
    • Represented CASE Public Affairs Office at national and regional meetings with member colleges and educational institutions.
    • Interviewed subjects wrote articles and press releases for CASE's newsletter, and monthly bulletins, distributed to over 300 CASE education institutions in the U.S.
    • Prepared CASE President to serve as media Spokesperson for print and broadcast media interviews.
    • Assisted in the development and implementation of a national campaign aimed at the public to communicate the importance of higher education.
    National Academies Of Sciences - Development Associate
    City, STATE, 09/1984 - 08/1986
    • NAS), Office of Special Programs and Development 500 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 40 hours per week; Salary: 24,500.00 Sep 15, 1984 - August 15, 1986 Supervisor: Mr. Melvin Gipson Phone: Supervisor, (Deceased) Duties:
    • Conducted research on foundations, corporations and individuals--researching philanthropic interests for potential donations to NAS.
    • Planned capital campaigns, involving preparation of extensive written materials and media outreach efforts; devised special events checklist to standardize procedures.
    • Introduced new procedures and accountability requirements for equipment inventory and office supply purchasing.
    • Reviewed and tracked financial data, including program expenses and annual budget projections.
    Constant Care Medical Center - Office Manager
    City, STATE, 06/1981 - 09/1984
    • Executive Office 1501 Division Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 40 hours per week; Salary: $ 19,000.00 Jun 15, 1981 - Sep 01, 1984 Supervisor: Dr. Harvey Webb Phone: Employee retired in 1995 Duties:
    • Provided administrative support to the Executive/Medical Director of a community-based, ambulatory care medical center, and served as executive secretary for the Center's Board of Directors.
    • Wrote articles and edited monthly newsletter, distributed to medical staff, employees, and patients.
    • Served on the Quality Assurance, Medical Records and Human Resources committees.
    • Implemented policies and procedures to improve the efficiency and productivity of front office staff; supervised and monitored performance of two executive secretaries and two office assistants.
    • Organized 1983 Legislative Conference for state legislators. This conference provided medical center staff the opportunity to meet state legislators and discuss current health legislation and other topics of interest the medical center.
    Professional Affiliations
    Public Relations Society of America
    Planned, directed, and coordinated press activities (e.g., news briefings, editorial board meetings; press conferences, and media interviews) for Bernadine P Made professional presentations about the outreach program at national CIS meetings and meetings with NCI national intermediary and advocacy groups
    Program Manager, Training, Grassroots, Strategic Planning, Translating, Human Resources, Associate, Promotional, Public Affairs, Secretary, Budgets, Collection, Community Outreach, Contract Negotiations, Liaison, Administrative Support, Executive Secretary, Medical Records, Office Manager, Quality Assurance, Fact, Fact Erp, Policy Development, Budget, Buying/procurement, Inventory, Nas, Network Attached Storage, Purchasing, Cam, Clips, Media Relations, Medicare, Fulfillment, Ordering, Progress, Technical Assistance, Clinical Trial, Eeo, Equal Employment Opportunity, Od, Organizational Development, Intranet, Award, Facets, Mentor, Proactive, Public Policy, Public Relations, Self Motivated, Translate

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    Resume Overview

    School Attended

    • University of Maryland, University College
    • Frostburg State University

    Job Titles Held:

    • Outreach Program Manager - GS-14 (1035)
    • Special Assignment (Detail) - Press Officer
    • Press Officer -GS13 (1035)
    • Outreach Program Manager
    • Outreach Program Manager GS-13 (1035)
    • Public Affairs Specialist - GS-13 (1035)
    • Executive Associate
    • Public Affairs Manager
    • Development Associate
    • Office Manager


    • Masters
    • Bachelors

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