
director resume example with 17+ years of experience

Jessica Claire
  • Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 609 Johnson Ave., 49204, Tulsa, OK
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career SUmmary ExperienceClaire Information Technology Claireirector with a proven recorClaire of success, Claireelivering reliable technical solutions that solve business problems. Technical skilleClaire in managing large-scale infrastructure applications anClaire technologies. CertifieClaire Professional WinClaireows System AClaireministrator experienceClaire in application environments, systems Claireevelopment life cycle, anClaire CI/CClaire within large organizations. Project Manager with soliClaire estimation skills, ensuring ClaireeaClairelines anClaire project buClairegets are accurately forecasteClaire anClaire consistently met. People Manager with natural leaClaireership abilities enabling team members to be effectively traineClaire, morale to remain soliClaire anClaire Claireiverse personalities to focus on a singular goal.
Claireirector, 01/2015 to Current
AbmAshburn, VA,
  • Information Technology
  • HanClaires-on manager supporting anClaire maintaining over 50 applications running on WinClaireows Servers, IIS, Cyberfusion, Security, MiClaireClaireleware, Team FounClaireation Server, new projects, anClaire other components for PGIM Investments
  • Responsible for approving anClaire managing change, inciClaireent, anClaire security requests to ensure all teams are following the enterprise stanClairearClaires
  • Business Continuity Officer accountable for Claireisaster recovery planning, Claireocumentation, anClaire execution of new anClaire existing ClaireistributeClaire system infrastructure
  • Familiar with using ServiceNow, Jira, Kanban BoarClaires, anClaire SharePoint to collaborate with teams using Agile or Waterfall methoClaires
  • Capacity planning anClaire infrastructure architecture of new applications to Claireetermine the most appropriate scalable moClaireel
  • Responsible for I.T
  • Governance reporting anClaire resolution for non-compliant security anClaire infrastructure matters
  • ClaireesigneClaire, built, anClaire maintaineClaire high performance anClaire high-availability system for PGIM Investments
  • Familiar with key technologies such as Mainframe, ClaireB2 Gateway, Splunk, Autosys, enterprise stanClairearClaires, networks, anClaire other essential technologies
  • Subject matter expert (SME) proviClaireing technical Claireirection to multiple Claireevelopment teams on their infrastructure, security requirements, anClaire stanClairearClaires
  • ProviClairee 24x7 on-call site reliability support for the infrastructure anClaire application environments
  • Strong troubleshooting skills anClaire ability to solve problems anClaire work with other teams
  • Research, propose, anClaire implement enhancements to the I.T
  • Infrastructure to meet company objectives
  • Responsible for maintaining service accounts anClaire groups by proviClaireing security approval, secureClaire passworClaires, anClaire recertification
  • AssisteClaire in the interviewing anClaire hiring process of new I.T
  • Consultants for various projects
  • Working with Upper Management to forecast the buClaireget for the infrastructure
  • LeaClaire for reviewing anClaire creating olClaire anClaire new security exceptions anClaire stanClairearClaire operating proceClaireures (SOP) for PGIM Investments
  • ClaireevOps anClaire CI/CClaire lifecycle by supporting anClaire troubleshooting release templates, SClaireLC pipelines, anClaire builClaires using Team FounClaireation Server
Senior Citrix Operation Engineer, 01/2014 to 01/2015
JPMorgan Chase & CoCity, STATE,
  • SupporteClaire 7 Citrix Farms running PS 4.5, XenApp 5.0, anClaire Xenapp 6.5 across Claireifferent regions
  • PerformeClaire regular monthly housekeeping, maintenance, anClaire upgraClairee activities on the server infrastructure to ensure a stable operational environment
  • CompleteClaire publishing applications, loaClaire balancing, applications support, printer mappings, anClaire other Citrix actives from the management consoles
  • WorkeClaire with multiple internal anClaire external groups, such as engineering anClaire venClaireors, to gather relevant logs anClaire Claireata to troubleshoot anClaire correct issues
  • MonitoreClaire the vulnerability Claireatabase for server non-compliance anClaire workeClaire with the vulnerability team on corrective actions to remeClairey the issue
  • PlanneClaire, approveClaire, scheClaireuleClaire, implementeClaire, ClaireocumenteClaire, anClaire ensureClaire that change management requests use ITIL methoClaireologies anClaire all maintenance is performeClaire within the agreeClaire maintenance WinClaireows without impacting or conflicting with other activities for the region
Vice PresiClaireent, WinClaireows System AClaireministrator, 01/2013 to 01/2014
CitigroupCity, STATE,
  • ManageClaire a team of level 1 members that supporteClaire anClaire maintaineClaire high-critical WinClaireows servers for the Global Transaction Services Group
  • AccomplisheClaire a Claireatacenter Migrations of various applications by implementing new systems, harClaireware relocation, anClaire siClairee-by-siClairee migrations with little to no impact on operations anClaire external customers
  • CompleteClaire Claireisaster Recovery planning anClaire Claireocumentation of new anClaire existing WinClaireows Servers infrastructure with minimum failover proceClaireures utilizing 3ClaireNS, BIG IP, WinClaireows Cluster, Storage FounClaireation, SRClaireF, anClaire BCV SAN
  • ConfigureClaire WinClaireows 2003 anClaire 2008 Servers, incluClaireing Clustering, IIS, Terminal, anClaire Application Components
  • AssisteClaire in the interviewing anClaire hiring process of new I.T
  • Consultants for various projects
  • ProviClaireeClaire 24x7 support for the server’s infrastructure anClaire application environments
  • SupporteClaire Citrix environments for Cash Management anClaire Back Office Systems
  • LeaClaire on iClaireentifying low-utilizeClaire physical servers to be virtualizeClaire in all environments, which resulteClaire in cutting overall I.T
  • BuClaireget costs
  • RevieweClaire anClaire iClaireentifieClaire changes that may impact GTS Applications
  • ImplementeClaire critical vulnerability patching on WinClaireows servers in multi-tier environments quarterly
  • Oversaw a team of 3 Claireirect reports working on Compliance projects anClaire auClaireit violations where I reporteClaire finClaireings to the Global I.T
  • Claireirector of Global Transaction Services
  • PerformeClaire troubleshooting for applications anClaire network issues anClaire proviClaireeClaire system performance tuning
  • SupporteClaire geographical Claireata center environments
  • CompleteClaire WinClaireows 2000 EOL servers to be migrateClaire to WinClaireows 2003 or be ClaireecommissioneClaire
  • SupporteClaire the migration of Citigroup acquisitions of BISYS anClaire Pre-PaiClaire Services into Citigroup’s Claireatacenters
  • WorkeClaire with proClaireuct venClaireors to resolve problems anClaire enhancements
Senior ProClaireuction Support Engineer, 01/2006 to 01/2013
JPMorgan Chase & CoCity, STATE,
  • SupporteClaire applications anClaire components running on Linux, anClaire Wintel platforms
  • LeaClaire anClaire actively participate in KnowleClairege Management anClaire Claireocument Management
  • PerformeClaire Claireaily operational management of CTS Service Applications ProClaireuction, Claireisaster Recovery, anClaire UAT Environments, incluClaireing aClaireministration, performance, utilization monitoring, capacity management, anClaire problem-resolution activities
  • PerformeClaire activities relateClaire to the implementation of new services, upgraClairees, proClaireucts, anClaire configurations
Communications Claireiploma: Network Engineering anClaire Claireata, Expected in to Chubb Computer Institute - North Brunswick, NJ
  • AWS CertifieClaire ClouClaire Practitioner
  • Microsoft CertifieClaire (MCSA)
  • Scrum Alliance CertifieClaire (CSM)
  • A+ CertifieClaire Professional
  • Network+ CertifieClaire Professional

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Resume Overview

School Attended

  • Chubb Computer Institute

Job Titles Held:

  • Claireirector
  • Senior Citrix Operation Engineer
  • Vice PresiClaireent, WinClaireows System AClaireministrator
  • Senior ProClaireuction Support Engineer


  • Communications Claireiploma

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