Completed or assisted in the completion of Incident Reports (CDCR 837) to document any
crimes or unusual occurrences within the institution (e.g., use of force, death of a person,
major disturbance, etc.) utilizing Strategic Offender Management System (SOMS),
California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 15, Departmental/local operating procedures
(OP), etc., as needed.ā
Ensured housing unit staffs are conducting guard one welfare checks to maintain the
welfare of all inmates housed in Security Housing Unit (SHU), ASU, Psychiatric Services
Unit (PSU) and Medical Unit utilizing frequent tours and inspections, Post Orders,
Departmental/local OP, etc., on a daily basis.ā
Became certified and acted as a Hearing Officer for Administrative 115s in order to
adjudicate Rules Violation Report (CDC 115) utilizing CCR Title 15, etc., as needed.ā
Addressed inmateās issues through the use of Request for Interview, Item, or Services
(CDCR Form 22) and Inmate Appeals (CDCR 602) regarding housing and programming
concerns, etc., in order to resolve the inmateās concerns utilizing Departmental/local OP,
CCR Title 15, etc., on a daily basis.ā
Reviewed staff complaints by conducting fact-finding via inmate appeals/general public to
determine if allegations are substantiated and provide recommendation(s) to
administration/hiring authority utilizing local OP, CCR Title 15, etc., on a daily basis.ā
Ensured Post Orders are updated, completed, and signed to provide guidelines for staff
accountability and knowledge of job functions utilizing frequent tours, inspections, Post
Orders, Departmental/local OP, etc., on a daily basis.Ā Ā
Conducted inspections/tours to ensure staff are alert and diligent in the performance of their
duties and take subsequent action to address deficiencies utilizing good interpersonal
communication skills, staff meetings, OJT, Government Code (GC), MOU, and
Departmental/local OP, etc., on a daily basis.Ā
Provided staff with a comprehensive evaluation of their job performance to ensure they
meet performance expectations utilizing verbal and/or written instructions, personal
observations, Official Personnel File (OPF), IST records, MOU, Departmental/local OP,
etc., as required.
Responded to alarms and/or disturbances to maintain personal safety and institutional
security utilizing correctional awareness, Alarm Response and Use of Force
Policy/Training, Departmental/local OP, etc., as needed.