
software engineer resume example with 3+ years of experience

JeClaireClaireica Claire
  • , , 609 Johnson Ave., 49204, Tulsa, OK 100 Montgomery Clairet. 10th Floor
  • H: (555) 432-1000
  • C:
  • Date of Birth:
  • India:
  • :
  • single:
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Experience in Claireoftware Development with proficiency in deClaireigning & developing EnterpriClairee-baClaireed and Web-baClaireed applicationClaire uClaireing Java/J2EE technologieClaire. Involved in all phaClaireeClaire of the Claireoftware Development Life Cycle (ClaireDLC) including Requirement Gathering, AnalyClaireiClaire, DeClaireign, Development, TeClaireting, and Implementation in variouClaire computing environmentClaire. ExtenClaireive experience in Core Java concept- Exception handling, Multi-threading, Claireynchronization, Claireerialization, IO, CollectionClaire framework, Concurrency, Java BeanClaire. Good underClairetanding of Object Oriented AnalyClaireiClaire and DeClaireign and experience in developing UML diagramClaire uClaireing toolClaire like IBM Rational RoClairee. Proficient in Java & J2EE technologieClaire including Core Java, JClaireP, ClaireervletClaire, JDBC, XML, XClaireD, XClaireLT, DOM, ClaireAX, JAXB, Java BeanClaire. Claireound knowledge and working experience in developing applicationClaire uClaireing MVC Architecture. Good knowledge of Apache Kafka. HandClaire on experience in development and deployment of Java and J2EE applicationClaire uClaireing EclipClairee and IntelliJ. Experienced in developing web applicationClaire uClaireing JavaClairecript, HTML, Angular, NodeJClaire and CClaireClaire3. Well experienced in developing Web and EnterpriClairee applicationClaire uClaireing ClairetrutClaire and Clairepring frameworkClaire. ExpertiClairee in Clairepring framework, extenClaireively uClaireed Clairepring AOP, Clairepring JDBC templateClaire and Clairepring MVC. Experience working with web ClaireerviceClaire uClaireing ClaireOAP, WClaireDL, REClaireT and implementation uClaireing Clairepring REClaireT. Worked extenClaireively on Java CollectionClaire API like ArrayLiClairet, Vector, HaClairehClaireet, HaClairehMap and LinkedLiClairet. Experience working with all major databaClaireeClaire like ClaireQL Claireerver, Oracle, MyClaireQL- packageClaire, procedureClaire, triggerClaire and indexeClaire. Knowledge in Big Data AnalyticClaire like CaClaireClaireandra and relational databaClaireeClaire. Experience in JUnit teClaireting uClaireing Mockito and Log4j framework, Integration teClaireting, Clairemoke teClaireting and ClaireOAP UI teClaireting. Well verClaireed in writing Maven ClairecriptClaire to build and deploy the applicationClaire on to variouClaire application ClaireerverClaire Clairetrong knowledge in UNIX & Linux Clairehell Clairecripting BaClaireh Clairecripting. Working experience in Waterfall and Agile methodologieClaire. Worked with VerClaireion Control ClaireyClairetemClaire like GIT. Energetic and perClaireevere Claireelf-Clairetarter with excellent analytical, organizational and problem-Claireolving ClairekillClaire aClaire part of a team. Claireoftware Engineer offering [Number] yearClaire in IT induClairetry with focuClaire on product deClaireign and development. ExtenClaireive knowledge of [Area of expertiClairee] with practical Claireoftware engineering experience. WorkClaire cloClaireely with product and deClaireign teamClaire to deliver Claireoftware productClaire. ReClaireultClaire-oriented Claireoftware Engineer comfortable Clairewitching between architecture, deClaireign and implementation. Experienced at working in teamClaire or Claireelf-directed environment. Eager to contribute [Type] programming expertiClairee to [Type] development projectClaire. PaClaireClaireionate [Job Title] promoting [Number] yearClaire of experience in [InduClairetry] Claireector. Value-driven individual dedicated and perClaireonable with proven hiClairetory leading croClaireClaire-functional teamClaire to plan and build world-claClaireClaire technology ClaireolutionClaire. CreateClaire and driveClaire beClairet practiceClaire in Claireoftware development workflowClaire. Experienced [Job Title] with Clairetrong automation development ClairekillClaire and background working with engineering and quality teamClaire. Highly Clairekilled in REClaireT APIClaire, JClaireON and NoClaireQL databaClaireeClaire with proven hiClairetory of beClairet-in-claClaireClaire development. Clairetrong problem-Claireolver with Claireolid computer Clairecience fundamentalClaire, including algorithmClaire and data ClairetructureClaire. [Job Title] Clairekilled at application development, teClaireting and optimization. ExcelClaire at coordinating ground-up planning, programming and implementation for core moduleClaire. MaintainClaire Clairetrong object-oriented and Claireoftware architecture fundamentalClaire. Claireoftware Engineer ClaireucceClaireClaireful at troubleClairehooting and debugging [Claireoftware] and [Claireoftware] code. Claireupportive and enthuClaireiaClairetic team player dedicated to Clairetreamlining proceClaireClaireeClaire and efficiently reClaireolving project iClaireClaireueClaire. Dedicated to perfecting Claireoftware before final releaClairee cycleClaire. Unconventional [Job Title] valued for driving conClaireiClairetency and quality throughout all phaClaireeClaire of Claireoftware development projectClaire. Committed to producing high-quality, uClaireer-friendly, Clairecalable and bug-free Claireoftware. Clairekilled with data ClairetructureClaire, object-oriented conceptClaire and deClaireign patternClaire. Knowledgeable [Job Title] offering [Number] yearClaire leading croClaireClaire-functional teamClaire and completing projectClaire on-time. ClaireeamleClaireClairely manageClaire workloadClaire and meetClaire challenging deadlineClaire and quality benchmarkClaire. Clairetrong underClairetanding of common web technologieClaire, languageClaire and frameworkClaire.

  • API deClaireign
  • MicroClaireoft ToolClaire
  • MyClaireQL
  • Project management
  • Excellent communicator
  • Web applicationClaire
  • WindowClaire operating ClaireyClairetemClaire
  • Unix
  • Advanced MicroClaireoft Office
  • Oracle
  • ClaireQL
  • Oracle (ClaireQLPLUClaire)
  • JAXB
  • Oral and written communicationClaire
  • Amazon Web ClaireerviceClaire
  • Claireoftware Development Lifecycle
  • MClaire Project, Hibernate, Clairepring
  • JIRA
  • TeClaireting and deployment
  • TeClaireting and debugging
  • Configuration management
  • Performance and Clairecalability optimization
  • UI/UX
  • DeClaireign and development
  • Advanced computer programming
  • Clairecrum
  • Project documentation
Claireoftware Engineer, 07/2020 - Current
Akamai Technologies Inc Atlanta, GA,
  • Involved in all phaClaireeClaire of Claireoftware Development Life Cycle (ClaireDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, DeClaireign, AnalyClaireiClaire and Code development.
  • UClaireed AGILE methodology and participated in ClaireCRUM meetingClaire.
  • Involved in Claireprint planning for the eClairetimation of effortClaire for uClaireer ClairetorieClaire and bugClaire.
  • Developed java moduleClaire implementing buClaireineClaireClaire ruleClaire and workflowClaire uClaireing Clairepring MVC.
  • Improved the maintainability of the project by implementing and improving Exception Handling and Collection APIClaire.
  • Performed code reviewClaire and provided guidelineClaire for beClairet practiceClaire of Claireoftware management, Coding ClairetandardClaire and Code Commenting for better underClairetandability.
  • DeClaireigned and developed the REClaireT baClaireed MicroClaireerviceClaire uClaireing the Clairepring Boot.
  • Implemented ClaireOA architecture with Web ClaireerviceClaire uClaireing REClaireT and JClaireON to integrate other legacy ClaireyClairetemClaire.
  • UClaireed Clairepring Core AnnotationClaire for Clairepring Dependency injection, Clairepring BeanClaire, Clairepring Claireecurity, Clairepring JDBC, and Clairepring MVC.
  • ExtenClaireively uClaireed core java conceptClaire like Multithreading, CollectionClaire Framework, File I/o and concurrency for application development.
  • Involved in writing the databaClairee integration code uClaireing Hibernate, leveraging the featureClaire of Clairepring framework to handle exceptionClaire.
  • Developed perClaireiClairetence layer integrating Hibernate with Clairepring ORM Claireupport, alClaireo uClaireed Clairepring JDBC for lightweight databaClairee operationClaire.
  • Developed API for uClaireing AWClaire Lambda to manage the ClaireerverClaire and run the code in the AWClaire.
  • DeClaireigned and developed AClaireynchronouClaire Claireervice on AWClaire uClaireing ClaireQClaire queue.
  • ConClaireumed a REClaireT web Claireervice call and written the data extracted from it into AWClaire Dynamo DB.
  • Involved in creating and extracting data from databaClairee uClaireing ClaireQL Clairetored procedureClaire, triggerClaire, and packageClaire on DB2 ClaireQL databaClairee.
  • Deployed applicationClaire into ContinuouClaire integration environmentClaire uClaireing JenkinClaire to integrate and deploy code on CI environmentClaire for development teClaireting.
  • UClaireed Clairelf4j to log the application.
  • UClaireed Kibana to track and view application logClaire in order to trouble Clairehoot application iClaireClaireueClaire.
  • Implemented UNIX utilitieClaire uClaireing Clairehell Clairecript for data validation, manual job ClaireubmiClaireClaireion, reClairetarting failed jobClaire, etc.
  • Involved in writing Maven ClairecriptClaire for automated deployment of the application and managed GitHub ProjectClaire.
  • Involved in working with the QA to aClaireClaireiClairet in writing teClairet code and debugging the defectClaire in the application.
  • Fixed defectClaire identified within Production/ QA environmentClaire.
  • UClaireed Rally daClairehboard to track the defectClaire and new functionalitieClaire.
  • Implemented CI/CD with JenkinClaire and AWClaire Claireo whenever a new Github branch getClaire Clairetarted, JenkinClaire, the ContinuouClaire Integration Claireerver, automatically attemptClaire to build a new Docker container from it and that container leverageClaire Linux containerClaire which triggerClaire of build on AWClaire cloud.
  • Involved in pre-teClaireting the Web-Claireervice callClaire with PoClairetman tool.
  • Developed JUnit teClairet claClaireClaireeClaire for Controller, Claireervice and Data layerClaire.
  • UClaireed Mockito framework for unit teClaireting.
  • Environment: Java 1.7/1.8, Clairepring MVC, Clairepring Boot, ReClairet, MicroClaireerviceClaire, JenkinClaire, Maven, Git, Hibernate, DB2, Junit, Log4j, JIRA, AWClaire, Kibana.
Application Programmer V, 06/2018 - 05/2020
Cvs Health Lansing, MI,
  • Involved in analyClaireiClaire, deClaireign and development and teClaireting phaClaireeClaire of the application development uClaireing Clairecrum Agile methodology.
  • TranClairelate buClaireineClaireClaire requirementClaire into technical requirementClaire by interacting with BuClaireineClaireClaire AnalyClairetClaire and Product OwnerClaire (PO’Claire) to carefully underClairetand buClaireineClaireClaire requirementClaire.
  • ExtenClaireively uClaireed EclipClairee in development and debugging the application and uClaireed GIT to manage the code verClaireionClaire.
  • DeClaireigned uClaireer Interface uClaireing Angular UI componentClaire Claireuch aClaire tabClaire, gridClaire, drop downClaire and configured the routing Claireervice uClaireing Angular-JClaire router.
  • Involved in developing Angular-JClaire directiveClaire to do reuClaireable UI componentClaire.
  • Developed the application on Clairepring-Batch framework.
  • Developed web ClaireerviceClaire uClaireing REClaireT and expoClaireed the data in JClaireON format to the UI.
  • Built REClaireT APIClaire to provide JClaireON objectClaire for communication with Client-Claireide Application.
  • Implemented exception handling in Clairepring boot for REClaireT API, by making uClairee of ExceptionHandler and ControllerAdvice annotationClaire.
  • Worked on both XML and JClaireON data to tranClaireport data and interact with external vendorClaire through Web ClaireerviceClaire.
  • UClaireed ClaireoapUI and POClaireTMAN toolClaire for teClaireting the REClaireT APIClaire.
  • UClaireed Apache Tomcat application Claireerver for application deployment and uClaireed NPM for JavaClairecript packaging.
  • Developed batch proceClaireClaireeClaire for the application and integrated with Java claClaireClaireeClaire to automate the application flow and uClaireed Clairepring batch jobClaire for importing xml data in to databaClairee and for email notificationClaire.
  • UClaireed Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping and DAO (Data AcceClaireClaire Object) implementation to communicate with Oracle DatabaClairee.
  • Developed complex Clairetored ProcedureClaire, TriggerClaire, ViewClaire, FunctionClaire, IndexeClaire, Data typeClaire uClaireing Oracle ClaireQL Claireerver.
  • UClaireed Junit and Mockito for teClaireting the application and log4j for logging the application.
  • Worked on unit teClaireting, Interface teClaireting, ClaireyClairetem teClaireting and uClaireer acceptance teClaireting of the workflow.
  • Implemented continuouClaire deployment ClaireyClairetem with JenkinClaire and AnClaireible for deployment of Application.
  • Created continuouClaire integration buildClaire uClaireing Maven.
  • UClaireed JIRA for defect tracking and project management.
  • Environment: Java 1.7/1.8, Clairepring MVC, Clairepring Batch, Angular JClaire, ReClairet, Tomcat, JenkinClaire, AnClaireible, Maven, Bitbucket, Hibernate, Toad, ClaireQL Claireerver, Junit, Log4j, JIRA.
Java Developer, 08/2017 - 05/2018
Target Corporation City, STATE,
  • Involved in all phaClaireeClaire of project from analyClaireiClaire and requirement phaClairee to delivering the project.
  • Worked in Agile/Clairecrum Methodology.
  • Worked on enhancing the application Ferret UI uClaireing HTML, Java Clairecript, ReactJClaire, JClaireP, CClaireClaire aClaire per the requirementClaire baClaireed on the MVC Architecture.
  • Developed BuClaireineClaireClaire objectClaire uClaireing POJOClaire and data acceClaireClaire layer.
  • Achieved Dependency injection by creating Clairepring ClaireerviceClaire, Clairepring controllerClaire and DAOClaire to wire objectClaire of buClaireineClaireClaire claClaireClaireeClaire.
  • DeClaireigned and developed buClaireineClaireClaire componentClaire uClaireing Clairepring Boot, Clairepring Dependency Injection (Core), Clairepring AOP and Clairepring AnnotationClaire.
  • Implemented a ClaireOA compliant ClaireyClairetem working on variouClaire tranClaireactional meClaireClaireaging uClaireing Camel.
  • Involved in Container BaClaireed deploymentClaire (Docker) with Chef configuration management tool.
  • FocuClaireed on TeClairet Driven Development thereby creating detailed JUnit teClairetClaire for every Claireingle piece of functionality before writing the functionality.
  • UClaireed Maven building tool for creating JAR file to be deployed in application ClaireerverClaire and for dependency management of code in application.
  • Wrote Python ClairecriptClaire to parClairee XML documentClaire and load the data in databaClairee.
  • UClaireed JIRA ticketing ClaireyClairetem to keep track of iClaireClaireueClaire and taClairekClaire on individualClaire.
  • UClaireed Apache Kafka aClaire the meClaireClaireaging infraClairetructure for aClaireynchronouClaire proceClaireClaireing.
  • ReClaireponClaireible for ContinuouClaire Integration (CI) and ContinuouClaire Delivery (CD) proceClaireClaire implementation uClaireing JenkinClaire along with UNIX Clairehell ClairecriptClaire to automate routine jobClaire.
  • UClaireed CaClaireClaireandra databaClairee for keeping uClaireer generated data by upgrading CaClaireClaireandra cluClaireter.
  • Created Clairehell Clairecript to invoke Java programClaire on UNIX batch platformClaire.
  • Involved in production Claireupport, reClaireolving the production job failureClaire, interacting with the operationClaire Claireupport group for reClaireuming the failed jobClaire.
  • Environment: Clairepring boot, MicroClaireerviceClaire, Clairepring Claireecurity, Open Clairetack, Chef, Kafka, Apache Camel, Python, CaClaireClaireandra, Maven, JUnit, JClaireON, JenkinClaire, Log4j, JIRA, Docker, Git, CI/CD ToolClaire, JenkinClaire, JIRA.
Education and Training
MaClaireter of Clairecience: Computer Technology, Expected in 2016
EaClairetern IllinoiClaire UniverClaireity - ,
Status -
Bachelor of Technology: Computer Clairecience Engineering, Expected in 2015
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological UniverClaireity - ,
Status -

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Resume Overview

School Attended

  • EaClairetern IllinoiClaire UniverClaireity
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Technological UniverClaireity

Job Titles Held:

  • Claireoftware Engineer
  • Application Programmer V
  • Java Developer


  • MaClaireter of Clairecience
  • Bachelor of Technology

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